In this bundle

Hue White and color ambiance Gradient lightstrip 2 meter - base kit with power supply

1 x Hue White and color ambiance Gradient lightstrip 2 meter - base kit with power supply

With gradient technology and flexible design, the Philips Hue gradient lightstrip offers a powerful blend of colorful light for any room in your home.

Gradient lightstrip 2 meter - base kit with power supply
Hue White and color ambiance Gradient lightstrip 1 meter - extension, requires base kit

1 x Hue White and color ambiance Gradient lightstrip 1 meter - extension, requires base kit

Extend the length of your Philips Hue ambiance gradient lightstrip with this 1 meter extension, covering a larger area with a blend of colorful light.

Gradient lightstrip 1 meter - extension, requires base kit

*When a bulb displays "Up to" a certain number of lumens in its specifications, it displays the maximum lumen output of the bulb. It shows how bright the bulb can get at 2700 K (White bulbs) or 4000 K (White ambiance or White and colour ambiance bulbs). Learn more about brightness