How to set up a Hue Bridge

All Hue products follow the same easy QR code setup, so you can scan and set up all your Hue devices at the same time.

Read this first!

1. Don’t plug in the Bridge yet.
You’ll need to scan its QR code, so keep it within easy reach.

2. Do you have more than one Hue device to add?
Keep them all together! You’ll scan all of their QR codes during the same step.

3. Do you have the Hue app?
Download it in your phone’s app store.

Bridge setup instructions

1. Open the Hue app.
     If you’ve opened it for the first time, you’ll be asked if you want to add a Bridge. Tap Yes. 

     If you tapped Skip, don’t worry! Open Settings, tap Devices, and then tap the blue plus (+) icon.

Hue app displaying screen with “Do you want to set up a Bridge?” , Hue app displaying Devices menu with indicator over blue plus (add) icon

2. Scan the QR code.
     Once it’s been successfully scanned, tap Next.

Note: If your product doesn’t have a QR code, tap No QR code to add it by searching.

Hue app displaying Scan QR codes screen and instructing user to scan QR code on the bottom of their Bridge

4. Follow the on-screen instructions. 
     The app will walk you through the final steps. 

Hue app screen conveying Bridge was found and instructing user to press center button of their Bridge

Need help?

Browse our FAQ or contact Support. 

Read Bridge FAQ >

Go to Support >

*When a bulb displays "Up to" a certain number of lumens in its specifications, it displays the maximum lumen output of the bulb. It shows how bright the bulb can get at 2700 K (White bulbs) or 4000 K (White ambiance or White and color ambiance bulbs). Learn more about brightness