FAQ list

Does Philips Hue offer discounts or promotions?

Yes! Throughout the year, we offer promotions or discounts on selected products. Sign up for our mailing list to stay up to date on these promotions and exclusive offers. 

Can I apply multiple promo codes in one order?

You can only apply one promo code per order.

How will I know when the next promotion is?

Sign up for our mailing list, so we can email you when we have a promotion.

My promo code is not working.

Check the following:

  1. Read the Terms & Conditions of the promotion. The promo code may only be valid for a certain location, apply to certain products, or be expired.
  2. Promo codes are case sensitive. Make sure that you are properly entering each character.
  3. Check that there is no space at the end of the promo code.

*Bir ampulün teknik özelliklerinde belirli bir lümen sayısına kadar gösterilen "En fazla" ifadesi, ampulün maksimum lümen çıkışını gösterir. Bu değer Ampulün 2700 K (Beyaz ampuller) veya 4000 K (White ambiance veya White and color ambiance ampuller) değerinde ne kadar parlak olabileceğini gösterir. Parlaklık hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin