FAQ list

Can I control lights in multiple rooms with a Tap switch?

Yes. You can select multiple Rooms in Accessory settings. You can even configure the accessory to set different scenes per Room.

Can I use a Tap switch to control my outdoor lights?

Yes. You can set up a Tap switch to control your outdoor lights. However, the Tap switch itself is rated for indoor use, so be sure to keep it inside. 

What do I do if my Tap switch stops responding?

You can check the status of your Tap switch in the Philips Hue app: 

Go to the Settings tab.  

  1. Tap Accessories. 
  2. Select the Tap switch
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and press a button on the Tap. Check the status indicator to see if the button press registered.
  4. If the app registered the button press, the light you're controlling with the switch may be unreachable. Make sure it's connected to power.
  5. If the app did not register the button press and the Tap's battery is not dead, delete the Tap switch by tapping Delete on the bottom of the screen and readd it to your system. 

What do the three buttons on a Tap switch do?

The buttons on a Tap switch can turn lights on and off to a certain scene, control different lights, and more. They're customizable in the Philips Hue app: 

  1. Go to the Settings tab.
  2. Tap Accessories.
  3. Select the Tap switch you wish to configure.
  4. Select the button you want to customize and follow the on-screen instructions.

*当灯泡的规格中显示“高达”特定的流明值时,是指灯泡的最大流明输出。这表示灯泡在 2700 K(白色灯泡)或 4000 K(白色氛围或白色和彩色氛围灯泡)时能够达到的亮度。了解有关亮度的更多信息。